Thursday, June 2, 2011
Conference Room – Senior Center
Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Faye Ellis; Richard Mansfield; Susan Sullivan; Jacqueline Kelly; Jim Robinson; Louise Charbonneau; Maureen Buffone.
Before the meeting was called to order, discussion was held relative to Help at Home.
Chairman Jerry Heslinga opened the meeting at 8:37 a.m.
The minutes from the April 7, 2011 meeting were approved and accepted.
Jim is looking to get the Help at Home Committee together to vote on the transfer of funds from the Welcome Aldrich account to the Help at Home account. Jim will go to the Town Accountant and ask her to facilitate with the Treasurer to get the transfer made.
F.H.C.O.A. REPORT ~ Barbara Anger
The balances as of June 1, 2011 are as follows:
Commerce Bank $15,586.69
Leominster Credit Union $4,619.14
Leominster Credit Union C.D. $23,121.83
DIRECTOR’S REPORT ~ Louise Charbonneau
Mon., May 2, 16, & 23…Harmonica Lessons
Wed., May 4……………Healthy Feet ~ Stylish Feet
Salisbury Belles
Thurs., May 5………… Movie “The Greatest Game Ever Played”
Wed., May 11…….….…Mother’s Day Breakfast
Thurs., May 12…….…. Movie “National Geographic: Arlington: Field of Honor”
Fri., May 13…………… Matter of Balance Informational Session
Mon., May 16…………..Planning to Stay Home (3rd in a series w/Mirick & O’Connell)
Wed., May 18……..……1st of 8 Matter of Balance Classes
Thurs., May 19…..…… Movie “Grown Ups”
Wed., May 25……….… Memorial Day Observance w/Dick Partridge
Thurs., May 26……..… Movie “The Bourne Ultimatum”
Fri., May 27… ….……..Veterans Meeting
Thurs., June 2…….…...Movie “Sherlock Holmes w/ Robert Downey, Jr.
Mon., June 6………...…Local Author, Elizabeth Vincelette will read poems from her 4th book
Pages from my Life: 75 years of poetry
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214
Thurs., June 9.……….. Pen Pal Party at the Mayo School from
Wed., June 15……….... Protect Yourself from Identify Theft
Back by popular demand, the Joyful Singers will perform songs from
the musical Oklahoma!
Thurs., June 16………..Father’s Day Breakfast
Movie “Audie Murphy: An American Hero”
Wed., June 22...…….….Annual Strawberry Festival
Thurs., June 23……......Movie: “Charlie St. Cloud” w/ Zac Ephron & Amanda Crew
Thurs., June 30……..…Movie: “Bride Wars” w/ Kate Hudson & Ann Hathaway
Louise reported that Mr. Ferron was taken to the hospital from here last Thursday. He was put into intensive care where he remained as of Tuesday morning, but was hoping to leave ICU for a room on the floor either Tuesday or Wednesday. He expressed his regret for not being able to make the meeting, but if he were here, he was going to express his appreciation for the hard work Paula and Cheryl have been doing on the Welcome Aldrich requests. He feels they should be commended for the time and energy they put into each request, researching each application and creating innovative plans for each applicant to receive help from the fund, while also helping themselves, thus allowing them to retain their dignity and self- esteem.
As Louise has been informing the board over the last few months, we are hosting a board training here at our center on Friday, June 10th. Emmett Schmarsow from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs will be the facilitator. The time table for the day is registration from 8:40 to 9:15 a.m. and the training from 9:15 to 11:45 a.m. Louise encouraged any board member who has never attended a board training to do so. They are very interesting and answer many questions you may have.
April: 64 Attended the Senior Prom at WRHS
Richard Clark’s Performance of “Love Letters” had 41 in the audience
A successful Volunteer Recognition Event had 81 in attendance.
May: Planning for the Future had 70 attendees
Performance by the Salisbury Belles was attended by 25
Chair Yoga has been averaging 13 attendees each week
48 people attended the mothers day breakfast
84 people were assisted with tax preparation between February 7th and April 11th
Jacquie stated that the town van will need to be replaced in a couple of years, when it reaches the 100,000 mile mark.
It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. at the Holden Senior Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone